Friday 8 May 2015

Randomness of Kazane Kagari

Anime review of Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru / Zoku

It is a anime that I was told by my younger cousin to watch due to the fact I am a very negative and pessimistic person just like the MC Hikigaya Hachiman but after one cour and 5 episodes in season 2, I have to say that he is the epitome of a lone warrior who has braved many battles and hardships and lived to tell the tale in this grand game known commonly as life. His distorted views on the world, people and relationships aren't due to negativity or being pessimistic. Its through own personal experience and painful memories that are etched deeply into his brain and ultimately led him to become a philosopher who preach his worldly wisdom in each episode......
Needlessly to say, lady luck ain't his friend or kind to him while gravity is a bitch to him. He is an apathetic, isolated, and friendless loner in class with no friends and no one would approach him albeit that the way he likes it.
The following below are some of the most famous quotes in anime history(Personal opinion):

Animals generally form groups. Carnivores have a hierarchy, and those that don’t manage to get to the top of the food chain will live a life of constant stress. Herbivores have their own problems, like being forced to abandon their own survive enemy attacks. As you can see, being in a group brings no advantages to the individual. Thus, I choose to be the bear, a beast that refuses to form groups with others. It’s an animal of isolation that’s not at all worried about its solitary lifestyle. Let’s not forget that bears get to hibernate as well. Oh, what a wonderful existence. If I’m ever reincarnated, I most certainly would like to be reborn as a bear.
 By Hachiman Hikigaya

I hate nice girls. Just exchanging pleasantries with them makes me curious,and texting each other makes me feel restless. If I get a call, for the rest of the day, I’ll keep checking my call history with a stupid grin on my face. But I know the truth. They’re just being nice. Anyone nice to me is nice to others too. But I always find myself on the verge of forgetting that. If the truth is a cruel mistress, then a lie must be a nice girl. And so, niceness is a lie. I would always hold expectation. I would always misunderstand. At some point, I stopped hoping. An experienced loner never falls for the same trap twice. A lone warrior, surviving hundreds of battles. When it comes to losing, I’m the strongest. That’s why, no matter what happens, I will always hate nice girls.
By Hachiman Hikigaya

In essence, language accounts for a mere 30% of human communication. The other 70% is made up of information collected from eye movements and other body language. With that, even a loner who never takes part in conversation can pull off 70% of what we consider communication.
By Hachiman Hikigaya

Saying “I can change myself” is just admitting defeat in order to adapt to this cold cruel world, so that you can be its slave.  It’s no more than a basis for deceiving yourself and decorating it with pretty words.
By Hachiman Hikigaya

That was dangerous. If I were a normal male, I would’ve fallen in love with her there. Trying to find meaning in simple coincidences and ordinary happenings is a bad habit of unpopular guys. I don’t believe in fate, destiny, or chance.
By Hachiman Hikigaya

“The important thing is to take part.” Famous words spoken by Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin during a speech. However, this quote tends to be frequently misused and serves as kind of a threat to force participation. There are tons of wild-goose chases in this world, you know. If the most important thing is to take part, then surely one could find meaning in not taking part as well. And if everything’s worth experiencing, then there’s little doubt that the feeling of not experiencing something is, in itself, worth experiencing. In fact, you could even call it a valuable experience to not experience something everyone else does.
By Hachiman Hikigaya


(My favourite quote >_< )
 As always, your opinions are welcome below in the comment section.
Your Sincerely,
Kazane Kagari

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