World Of Tanks
By Kazane
After watching and uploading my post on GUP (Girls Und Panzer), I found myself intrigued by the tanks of the 20th century again and decided to go give WOT a try again. As you might have guessed, I was a player on WOT (World of Tanks) for a short while before I quit about 3 years ago. The experience I got from it wasn't great. Just like any other player, I started with light tanks and then proceed to medium tanks whereby I was then given a split path and chose to be a artillery player.
American M37 Arty
The artillery class (henceforth arty) is the class with the biggest calibre bullets and firepower and hides behind allies while taking pot shots at the enemies. Its was the conclusion I came to after being shredded to pieces by higher tier tanks while playing as a light or medium tank. I wasn't a great player and didn't know about tactics such as sidescrapping but with the ridiculous match making of the past, tier 4-5 could meet tier 10 tanks where they would completely dominate you regardless of whatever tactics you used or how supreme you are as a player. Your armour was as good as paper as armour could not bounce a shell if its diameter is 3 times than the thickness of the armour.

After a while of experimenting, I realised that while its good to stay behind your allies and use a gun that pack the biggest punch in your own tier, you are very vulnerable to basically anything that challenge you to a direct brawl. Thus if your whole team died or even if a tiny light tank managed to reach you, YOU ARE TOAST.
The next step is very logical for me. A transition to the heavy tanks and I chose the Soviet line as there was only two choices during that time, the Soviet or German. In the past, there wasn't French, Chinese, British or Japanese tanks unlike now.

Maus (Heaviest tank in history - 188 tons & 20km/h)
As I progress down the soviet KV line I got the armour I wanted but with the ridiculous lack of speed, I was dying a slow yet excruciating painful death. Literally gut wrenching. As of this post, I am currently at KV-4 and doing a slow grind for ST-I ..... (─‿‿─)
Now I feel the pain for Maus drivers.........

KV-4 (The 107 tons behemoth & 30km/h)
Even after enough research points to unlock the ST-I, 200K more research points is needed to cure the infamous stock syndrome....
So near yet so far....
ST-I (61 tons & 40km/h)
Anyone that want to help me through tips and stuffs can leave a comment below.
BTW, who do u think is gong to be the winner for the grand final 2015??
Please excuse me, I am off to watch the live stream now.
Much Appreciated.
Your Sincerely, Kazane
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