Kyoukai no RINNE
Kekkai Sensen
Plastic Memories
Episodes Watched: 4
Verdict: OTF

Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka
Episodes Watched: 4

Owari no Seraph
Episodes Watched: 4
In a drastic change from its stellar premiere, Owari no Seraph has now denigrated to be a high-school rom-com reminiscent of Ao no Exorcist. I'm not buying the idea that a high school is a necessary part of the story's progression. And even if it is, its not showing any evidence of that. That said, I'm still quite intrigued by this show, from the setting to its characters. With the vampire's queen's (spoiler) declaration of war with the humans, things are bound to get interesting.
Arslan Senki
Episodes Watched: 4

Hibike! Euphonium

Despite its similarities with K-ON!, Sound! Euphonium is definitely not the same anime about cute-girls-doing-cute-things. Euphonium, unfortunately, isn't on the same level of Hyouka - even if their visuals are almost as impressive as Hyouka's - but it is a step in the right direction. Euphonium is the first KyoAni production in a while that shows promise, and if the latests episodes are anything to go by, it has much potential to be explored. Sound! Euphonium seems to be pushing the right buttons and asking the right questions so far, but only time will tell if their effects will bear fruit. With KyoAni's pedigree, it should end up pretty well.
Ore Monogatari!!
Episodes Watched: 3
A cute love story. Well... the confession has already gone through. Cue the ending theme...
Wait. It's two cours? There's another 21 episodes...?

Whatever we are given though, is really good. The story progression, while fast, was well-paced and well-directed. Aesthetically wise, the art couldn't be handled better. Although I'm a bit perplexed at what they will do for the rest of run, this anime should do well.
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Episodes Watched: 3
An anime I left out at the earlier Impressions, Yamada is a adaptation of a popular manga of the same name. Although I have not read the manga, Yamada seems to be a pretty fun anime. I like the art style and the story progression and I hope it continues its good run. This looks like our resident rom-com for the season, and a pretty good one, too!
Yahari Ore no
Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
Episodes Watched: 4
Episodes Watched: 4
As this series continues, it is quite evident that this show is an entirely different animal that the first. The same formula that made the first popular is still there, but now the show goes off on a different tangent and explores the psyche of the characters - especially Hachiman and his self-sacrificial pedagogy. The characters of OreGairu often peruses a lot of depth, and we need all the character development we can get. A definite keeper in my book.
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical
Nanoha ViVid
Episodes Watched: 4
Episodes Watched: 4
If you are not a fan of the first three seasons of Nanoha, then certainly your mileage may vary. As a mahou shoujo show, there is the same mahou shoujo antics that are geared towards younger audiences (well, this IS a shoujo show). For those who are already fans of the original series, it is fun to see the parallels between the relationships between Nanoha and Fate and their circle of friends with the relationship of Vivio and Einhart and their circle of friends. Its slowly building up the characters, but the plot is bound to move forward soon.
Fate/Stay Night [Unlimited Blade Works]
Episodes Watched; 4
If its not apparent by now, I am a HUGE fan of the Fate franchise, so I'm likely to be quite biased at its offerings. Luckily, UBW has done very little to warrant criticism, and instead has been rather praise-worthy indeed. Admittedly, it still seems to leave first-time viewers out of the loop, but a couple of looks at my primers should tell you all that you need to know (please leave a comment on them if you have any questions). This is certainly the best anime of the season, so if you're not watching this you're missing out. BIG TIME.
Shokugeki no Souma
Episodes Watched: 4
There is hardly another anime this season which is as shamelessly explicit as Shokugeki no Souma, but that is probably one of the series' charms. Shokugeki no Souma's fanservice has not lessened in the slightest, but at least it has become slightly more palatable. The standard shounen elements are here, and all the ingredients to an excellent anime are in place, so let the cooking begin. This is one of my favourites this season, and I'm definitely going to keep up with this.
Baby Steps
Episodes Watched: 4
The most faithful adaptation of a sports anime in recent times continues to steamroll the competition with sheer faithfulness. Studio Pierrot has made a wise decision in choosing to stick with the manga as close as possible and look at what it has produced - one of the best sports anime this season. Granted, it is not the typical shounen sports show with special powers and secret tactics, but watching a regular guy slowly levelling up has its appeals too.
....And without further ado, the Top 5:
Fate/Stay Night [Unlimited Blade Works]
Episodes Watched; 4

Shokugeki no Souma
Episodes Watched: 4
Baby Steps
Episodes Watched: 4

....And without further ado, the Top 5:
TOP 5 (New Series)
TOP 5 (Overall)
1. Shokugeki no Souma
1. Fate/Stay Night UBW
2. Owari no Seraph
2. Baby Steps 2
3. Ore Monogatari
3. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome
wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
4. Arslan Senki
4. Shokugeki no Souma
5. Hibike! Euphonium
5. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
Why are there two Top 5 lists? I try not to put sequels and split-cour series on the same scale as new series because they may be riding on the glory of their predecessor, and I want to judge each series based on its individual merits. As new series do not have this restriction, they qualify for both lists.
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