Well... we're well into the Summer season, so this post is REALLY late. But better late than never, right?
Summer is traditionally one of the weaker seasons, along with Winter, with Spring and Autumn (Fall) usually carrying the Anime of the Year. But in recent years, that trend has changed. In 2013, Summer brought us Shin Sekai Yori, what I consider the best anime of 2013 and was no doubt one of the stronger seasons that year (though admittedly, that year was pretty poor overall). 2014 also brought a Summer season that was
better than the Spring season (although to be honest, with the exception of No Game No Life, last year's Spring season was 'less-than-decent'), But enough about that. What about this year? Unfortunately, we see a return back to form - as one of the weaker season again. That said, it is certainly not the
worst season I've seen - I've seen far worse, with the 2014 Winter season being arguably the WORST
ever - and there are actually a few bright sparks. Whether the Summer season can surprise me depends on whether their sleepers can surprise me, and a few of them certainly do have the potential to do so.
So without further ado, let's jump right in.
Disclaimer: Although I try to be as impartial as possible, the following selections are based heavily on personal taste, and your preference may differ, so do not take my impressions as gospel truth. Also, while I will try not to include spoilers, there may be some oversights on my part, but rest assured that I will keep spoilers to the absolute minimum.
Joukamachi no Dandelion
With a premise like this - nine siblings who are vying for the position of King based on a popularity contest - obviously this show is not to be taken seriously. The show is not particularly bad, but it doesn't really pique my interest, and it doesn't help that the main female lead really grates on my nerves. So, no, not my cup of tea. Pass.
Ushio to Tora
This might have appealed to be if I was like a decade younger, but a shounen show at this age isn't really going to appeal to me. The show is not particularly bad per se, and it seems like a likable story, with the art being quite old-school to match, but perhaps a generation too late. Pass.
GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite,
Kaku Tatakeri
This show is very reminiscent of Outbreak Company, with the main character being an otaku and travelling to an anime-esque land with elf girls and other anthromorphic females (did I mention there's another Monster Girl show airing this season - not covered though, sorry). If that tickles your fancy, go for it, but it just doesn't
work for me.
Classroom Crisis
This looks like a standard rom-com, with every element looking like a standard rom-com. Then you throw in some mecha elements, add a completely uninteresting main heroine, and a distinctly unlikable protagonist and talk about money and office politics. Okay, let's just get to the point. Its boring - plain and simple. Pass.
Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no
When you're going to do a magical fantasy/harem/ecchi show, you better have something hidden up your sleeve, or you're just going to end up like the huge bunch of failed wannabes that simply crashed and burned. Mind you, this genre is WAAAAY too overused, and Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan isn't doing anything to break the mold - in fact, its revelling in its cliches. When is Strike the Blood Season 2 coming?
Gakkou Gurashi!
I confess that the first time I tried watching this, I gave up at the fifth minute. It seems like the most horrible moe/slice-of-life anime that I had the misfortune of watching. Then I spoiled myself with the ending, and went to watch it again... and the ending revealed as huge a bombshell as bombshells can possibly be. But when I looked at the first 20 minutes of the show - I can't survive that much nonsense. So pass.
Aquarion LOGOS
Another Aquarion show? I must confess that while I did watch Aquarion EVOL, I didn't watch the first Sousei no Aquarion, which probably killed some of the fun. Aquarion shows have always been a strange mecha show, with orgasmic transformation scenes and really flashy moves. It's a odd combination, but it strangely works. Well... it worked in EVOL, but I can't tell whether it works here. I can't say I'm a fan of the new protagonist, and its pretty WTF for now, but maybe it will get better. Maybe? Well, I'm willing to give it another episode or two in any case.
Aoharu x Kikanjuu
Gender-bent female lead playing survival games? That is exactly what this show is about, along with two bishounen thrown in for good measure. Is it a reverse harem? Is it a simple show about toy guns and survival games? I'm not too sure. And I'm not too sure I'm interested either. What I do know is that it does have some merits in its animation, and I'm keen to see whether it gets better.
God Eater
I doubt I'm the only one that was disappointed with the premiere. With ufotable at the helm, we would have expected supreme animation quality, fresh out of their 'Unlimited Budget Works' production. Instead, we received some pretty awkward CGI-ed art style, with none of ufotable's signature flair. God Eater already has a cliched-like-hell plot, but ufotable was meant to prop it up so that remains pretty and at least watchable. The plot itself is decent, but not exactly original, but what's sorely missing is ufotable's excellent animation. The art style is pretty... different, so it might take time to get used to, and I really hope there's more to the story. Either way, I'm sticking around to find out, and so should you.
As far as breaking out of the mold goes, you don't get much better than Gangsta (or so I would say, but there's actually another show this season, that breaks the mold even more). Gangsta's basic premise is about two men called Handymen that perform jobs that no one else wants to do. And along the way, they pick up a prostitute named Alex. They form an interesting dynamic, and I guess the main attraction is to see how the bunch of three misfits survive in a cruel, screwed-up world. Its certainly not the best show this season, and personal taste comes into play in this show, but its a pretty good show nonetheless.
Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace
Made in commemoration of the 50th aniversary of Rampo Edogawa's passing, Ranpo Kitan is undeniably the most unique anime airing this season. This probably marks noitaminA's return to form, with one of the most creatively designed and nuanced show this season. While I'm not entirely sure whether this show has the substance to stick, its an interesting watch for sure and certainly strays far off the beaten track - at least as far as anime goes. If Rampo Edogawa's literary flair is anything to go by, Ranpo Kitan will have a superb storyline. The reason why this isn't in my Top 5 is because its art style is extremely polarising, and the distinctive style may take some time to get used to.
Jitsu wa Watashi wa
Sleeper of the season, and also apparently our rom-com of the season. I'm not particularly sure why I'm watching this, but its decently entertaining to say the least. This show is obviously a comedy with a lot of WTF elements, but the most distinctive thing you see when you fire up the show is that its really ugly. Yes, ugly. Ugly but endearing. And therein lies the charm of the show. The art style is distinctive because its ugly, but it at the same time, it is also cute (remember cute = ugly but adorable?) and strangely appealing. Its also apparently the same way in the manga, so that's probably not an adaptation choice. Its interesting enough to keep me watching though.
5. Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Sen’eku
This has been done before, and its cliche like hell... is what I would like to say, but then I see Gen Urobuchi (Fate/Zero, Madoka Magica) and Kinoko Nasu (Tsukihime, Fate/Stay Night) on the writers list and then I say... I need to give this another watch. In case you can't tell by now, the Urobutcher and Nasu are two of my favourite writers, bringing us masterpieces in the Fate series and Madoka Magica. They are writers with profound literary flair, and I cannot imagine any work involving them to fall flat. It certainly has it work cut out for it, but it manages to secure a spot in the Top 5.
4. Overlord
A show about a guy stuck in a VRMMORPG? Hmm... doesn't that sound familliar...? Oh wait... *groan*
Luckily, this show doesn't follow in the same footsteps as Sword Art Online or Log Horizon. It goes on a completely different direction and I can't say I dislike the way they are taking this. Its a pretty interesting concept that tends not to deal too much with MMO jargon and dives right into the story. A main character as a skeleton is also an interesting choice, instead of those dashing, alpha males that seem to Dues Ex Machina their way out of everything (I'm looking at you, Kirito). The story is still in its setting up phase, and its already fairly entertaining. There's a lot of potential here, and I hope it doesn't disappoint.
3. Rokka no Yuusha
This is really a simple Action/Fantasy, with a dash of romance and a little Aztec twist. The story is not what you would define 'original', with all the heroes and a big bad to defeat, but the execution is quite well done. The story has yet to truly begin, and we're still in the introduction stage, and already the characters are starting to grow on me. The story is really taking its time to set up, and I can't really say I am too fond of that choice, because a 12-episode adaptation doesn't really have much time to spare. I quite like what I'm given so far, and I have high hopes for it. With a decent source material to back this up, it deserves a place in the Top 5.
2. Akagami no Shirayukihime
Shoujo fantasy shows have seen a resurgence recently. With Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii last year and Akatsuki no Yona, which finished its run in the Winter season this year, shoujo shows have constantly and consistently been ranking in the top tier of new anime recently. Unfortunately, they are usually allocated merely a single cour (or in the case of Yona, a insufficient two cours) to tell their entire tale, and thus mostly relegated as a advertisement for their manga/light novel source material. Nonetheless, what we do receive is excellent, and Akagami no Shirayukihime is no exception. With an excellent female lead coupled by a compelling male lead, the chemistry between them is impeccable, as are the engaging character dynamics between them. Its been a brilliant run so far and I hope they continue with their momentum. Its anime like this that reminds me why I got into anime into the first place, and the immense potential this medium holds.
1. Charlotte

I'm sure many people are preparing to take up arms against me for me making this show making the top spot. But before you storm me with torches and pitchforks and contemplate burning me at the stake (of course I do have my Makai Knight to protect me...), hear me out. Charlotte is essentially a moe show from one of the most pre-eminent visual novel companies around - Key. Key makes a number of well-known VNs that have been adapted into anime, and most of them are quite highly acclaimed, such as Kanon, CLANNAD, Little Busters and its Refrain sequel. Interestingly, like Angel Beats, Charlotte is also a original project not initiated from a visual novel (isn't it interesting that those original projects are usually receive more poorly then those that were adapted from the VN?). Many of the criticisms levelled against Charlotte include poor characterisation of characters, generic female characters - including an insufferable imouto character, vapid and ineffective emotional scenes, poor and ill-timed attempts at comedy and ridiculous plot details that make little sense. Plus it tends to do a little moe-pandering (as do all shows). And I can't really deny that. But while I feel these criticisms are logical, not all of them are warranted, and the main purpose of an anime (or any entertainment media, really) is to entertain, and it least it was entertaining. Charlotte was one of the few anime which left me smiling while the ending credits rolled by while other shows left me with 'WTF-just-happened-I-don't-even' impressions. Sometimes, you just need to sit back and enjoy the ride, without nitpicking at the details. Some of the best shows involve at least a little bit of suspension of disbelief. And the story has merely just begun. Maeda Jun has hinted through many scenes that Charlotte does have higher aspirations, and perhaps the first few episodes didn't work so well. Still, Charlotte does have clear potential, and knowing Maeda Jun, he's going to create an impressive work. And let's not forget about the sheer visual ecstasy P.A. Works evokes with their masterful artwork. I'm sure Charlotte will succeed, and Key has yet to prove me wrong.
That's all for this season. What are you favourite anime? Do you disagree with any of my picks? let me know in the comments below!